Bookrezz. He was assigned to the White House to protect Presidents Bush and Obama. Bookrezz

 He was assigned to the White House to protect Presidents Bush and ObamaBookrezz ” James White “All work was completed in a timely and professional manner, very happy with the end result in fact, I hope to get such eager readers for the next book as well

I was born and raised in Mason, Ohio, twenty miles north of Cincinnati. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. Unable to put her faith in love and happiness, not even for Nicholas, the man she loves, she escapes to Chernut, a country town far from the reminders of her past. Should you commit to the suggested practice described here, you could well be awakened to a life that was, until now, only a. Avni Saxena is an award-winning children’s book author. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. Welcomes you. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. Different from the military accounts of war, it. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactLola is a beautiful young woman who is under the guardianship of a man she considers her uncle. Lauren O. Home; Book; Authors; Services; Contact Type to search and hit enter Type to search books and hit enter. Air Force pilot eneges enemy force, shoots down three enemy aircraft, then while facing other aircraft, he bgins to die!Welcomes you. Biography M. Welcomes you. But when voyaging around the world for six years on a sailboat, there are always more surprises in store for an exploring sea cat, especially when the unexpected is bound to happen. The largest is by far a real estate rental business. Stella May $ 5. At age thirty-seven, with glowing recommendations in hand, he secures the post of choir teacher at a small town high school on Florida’s west coast. Claire E. David’s doctor told him to find a new doctor because he did not believe David could lose weight and he did not want him dying on his watch. Welcomes you. He majored in psychology at Ashworthy University and developed skills as a Christian counselor at Christian Leadership Institution and American Institute of Health Care Professionals. In this captivating collection, three masterful authors—Keith J. Over the years, I have started and operated several businesses. Luckily, Sheamus’ father knows exactly how to assuage his son’s fears: by presenting him with a visual guide that describes his upcoming experience at the magical “horizontal hospital. She lives in Boston with her husband, physicist Michael. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. He has lived in ten US states stretching from New Jersey to Hawaii and Illinois to Florida. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactDr Grace Anderson – pen names Grace Andy, Gracy Osifo and Gracy Ukala- is a retired teacher and headteacher. Alison worked for well over a decade as a human services professional and counselor. Derek Taylor, fugitive hacker and contractor to the National Security Agency is living under the name of a murdered best friend, hiding from powers who still want him dead. She has also been a professional astrologer for 47 years. O’Neill grew up going to a private school paid for by a mobster father, rocks out to the Grateful Dead and Beethoven for inspiration, reads comics to never lose his inner child, and disregards most of society’s rules—except for the importance of decency, empathy. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactEd Benjamin retired from the United States Air Force in 1990 where he served as an aircraft maintenance supervisor. Instead of the band-aids typically offered on this topic, First Aid for Introverts in an Extroverted Workplace provides concrete, effective solutions for neutralizing the eighteen main types of introvert pain. C Ronen is predominately an activist, writing gripping fiction stories with a strong ethical message. decades ago, an AI program escaped the NSA Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, and has never been re-captured . Additional material includes a history of witches, photos, a witchy short story, and a novel excerpt featuring a witch. Has anyone used bookrezz to promote their book? If so, what was your experience? I can't find evaluations. He grew up in Wisconsin and attended Marquette Dental School. promotes the narrative that the Nazi holocaust is exceptional in human history - despite it being one of many holocausts from Native Americans North and South to Armenia and Rwanda. Atlas Aultman. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. Red Flags. For now, he is just a young man grappling with his part-Indianness in an American world. The existence of two spiritual kingdoms which impact the natural world. It is true that some people are very damaged. Welcomes you. Pete Clements, University of Michigan, A. Biography Christopher Williams. Welcomes you. A new author, M. These corner markets sold all of your staples. Leisha knows something’s wrong. from UC Davis (1975). Composing poetry rippled into short fiction. We hope that you will enjoy this one. What would you do if you possessed superpowers that could help reverse the devastating effects of climate change? This is the question asked and answered by seventeen-year-old Kora, who steps into the daunting role of EcoQueen as she combats. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. Growing up with older parents, I spent a lot of time entertaining myself. Her beloved vocal coach at boarding school would never have resigned and disappeared like this in the midst of preparing her prize students for a major vocal competition. It’s within our grasp to transform with a paradigm of systematic change and ensure we affect every level of life. Raised in the West End of Louisville, KY and the SWATS (Southwest Atlanta), he enjoys writing gritty crime. Welcomes you. Join bestselling author D. Your Name Your Email Twitter Handle (optional) Book Title Book Url Book Category Book Image (optional) Promotion Date Book SynopsisIt is Judge Payton's job to abide by the law and carry out the necessary sentence, even when it is a sentence he would rather not approve. So he invited her to help him write something. She is a writer, an entrepreneur, a Mindful Schools Certified Mindfulness Instructor, and a National Board Certified Teacher. wasn't a church any more. O. Meanwhile, the Black Crows meet with the Knights of Darkness in their hidden. In 1976, he won the Winkler Scholarship from the Dept. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. They say humans utilise a mere ten percent of their brains’ potential. . Welcomes you. T. In the wake of a controversial Supreme Court decision, a firestorm of civil unrest erupts on both ends of the political spectrum. As a high school student, he wrote poetry for his own enjoyment. While trying to get his family’s life back in order, Paul is being tormented by a demon who is holding his wife's spirit hostage on the other side. Author: Atlas Aultman. After several failed attempts to escape, I know my time is running out. Writing changed my life. Here at the beautiful Lovelet Manor, inhabited by a family who are as lost as she is, Alex finds solace in the. This book will help you to break free from every source of introvert pain at work, even if you are skeptical about being able to do so. in English/Creative Writing, started as a TV Advertising copywriter, then group creative director, at major AAAA advertising agencies, winning 23 national and international trade awards, including Cannes Film Festival, and finally writer/director/producer in documentary, corporate and sports films and active. In 2017, Clark and her husband moved from California to Germany, where she served as the national Get Out the Vote (GOTV) coordinator for the Democrats Abroad Germany chapter from January 2019 to May 2020. He currently lives on Achill Island. Janie is also an award winning author. The story follows Steve’s diagnosis with early-onset Alzheimer’s at age 50 through treatment, care and his passing. A sweet story with a dark twist. I passed many days and nights devouring the adventures. Josh Bartlet had figured all the angles, changed his name, holed up as a small town features writer in the Blue Ridge. ), Goth Girl Virgin Queen (Solstice Publishing, 2015), Possessed (2019, Pagan Light Book 1), and Spellbound (2019, Pagan Light Book 2). Best friend Annie faces deadly perils when swept away by the flash flood. I. With a European background throughout my life experiences, I am grateful to be able to discover my passion and calling for writing. I have written fiction in different forms my entire life, from song lyrics when I was a teenager to publishing my first novel in 2016. Type to search books and hit enter. C Ronen. The author, Prof. A group of friends boards a fishing boat, and they venture out on a big lake the weekend they watch their hometown football team play for the championship. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactRosco McGlashan is a legend of Australian motor sport and drag racing. But he is watching. He is also the current Australian land speed record holder. My latest novel, ‘White on Wight’ is based on the true life story of Thomas White, a boat builder from Kent. com having a medium-authoritative rank of 61. . Sonia Discher. Through the pages of this book, we accompany John on his journey from the safety of Kokomo, Indiana, the city he called. Modlin earned his PhD in. Taylor’s ties to a terrorist hacker group called SNO. But. All of that changed the night she met the vampire Connor O’Brien. In a time when meaningful change is limited by error-filled practices conceived. She lives in California with her family. He struts around like he's the king, and his eyes follow me. New Release in November. Hoskins, Mark Lee Taylor, and Lisa Janele —invite you on an. Michael Phillip Cash is an award-winning novelist and screenwriter. Welcomes you. The. Soon, though, she seems to. . mysticismBarry Richard Donadio is a native of New York who led an honorable career in the Volunteer Ambulance Service, Volunteer Fire Department, the Military, Law Enforcement, and the United States Secret Service. Active. 9 Books. Using affirmations and writing prompts alongside well-researched information, the book motivates you to give the best possible objective outlook on how to work on your inner self. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. With help from her former colleague Cassie and the newly acquainted friend Brandon, they investigate the reason behind the mound in the middle of nowhere. He currently works part-time as a proposal writer helping companies obtain business with federal, state and local governments. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. He has a Masters of Divinity and PhD in Missiology from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Life is full of storms, disruptions, and challenges, but it is what we do in the disruptions that really matters. Grace M. He’d just give it a few weeks more and then begin anew, return to the Litchfield Hills of Connecticut and Molly (if she’d have him) and, at long last, live a normal life. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactClay Finnes is the sheriff of a small town in Georgia called Bulwark. letting ourselves go. Welcomes you. Months later, the FBI investigation of their case goes cold. John Thomas Tuft was born in Pittsburgh in 1954 and he will always consider it to be his home. Needs Gap is a Practical Guide for Autoimmune and Mystery Illness Sufferers Lupus, Celiac, Lyme, Fibromyalgia, or chronic pain, you might be one of the victims. Welcomes you. Welcomes you. Not letting 2020 get the best of her, Teri chose to go on an adventure that changed her outlook on. John grew up. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactGreat leadership always matters. A direct descendant of the eponymous saint Asanga, John is yet to realize his destiny. Send ARCs and review copies effortlessly. Autoimmune diseases represent the third most common cause of chronic illness in the United States. Traveling Books. Boy in the Barn: Journey of Triumph Over Horrific Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, and PTSD follows a boy from his terrible childhood. Welcomes you. ” In March 1982, he came to the United States of America in my pursuit of higher education. But his situation takes a much darker turn for the worse when his most recent mission leads to the murder of his wife. Welcomes you. Alec Driver, a WWII veteran, uses the GI bill to earn an advanced degree in music from a prestigious university. She learns to duck hunt, fly fish, and row a drift boat. He then drives up north in Western Australia, upping his age from 12 to 16, to find work and fund. DR. The Three Questions is a simple process for living spiritually, which provides means for awakening to deeper meaning and living a spiritually purposeful life. Promote your book to thousands of early book reviewers and book review blogs. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactIn the exciting sequel to Seven Seconds, dive back into the murky recesses of Olivia Osborne’s shadowy world as she searches for the truth about life and death, good and evil and the twilight in between. Snowden spent more than twenty years traveling internationally for work and has lived in France, Spain and Peru. Experiencing—and losing—loves, tragedy and betrayal, violence and friendship—all have made Andrea who she is today. Welcomes you. These corner markets sold all of your staples. He’s had work published in “American Cinematographer,” “Film Score Monthly,” “This Week Magazine,” among several others. Religion is dated, spirituality is fading, metaphysical is the 2030. Soon after assuming his duties he falls in love with Tracy Ashbury a bright, talented and. Her stories have been selected by teachers out of hundreds of other books, ranking in the Top Three. In this long journey, he has come into contact with thousands of Bangladeshi immigrant workers and heard from them the tragic history of their lives. Best Seller in 2016. There, in an instant, his life. Jonathan O’Konek is an attorney and author who lives with his wife and two children in Bismarck, North Dakota. Fiona Citkin cares about civic tolerance, immigrant women issues, and the kind of know-how we need to achieve big in America and beyond. After all, it was a matter of record that Zharko had been deported well over a year. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactGrowing up I always wanted to be two things a writer and a detective! Now I get to be both! My first experience as a writer came in the fourth grade when my teacher read one of my stories to the class. Before the supermarket boom, corner markets dominated neighborhoods where most people did their grocery shopping. Art Book Chapter 2. Her father, a civil engineer and her mother, an elementary school teacher, lost their employment during the Great Depression. Welcomes you. bookbuzz. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactA metaphilosophy that is out of this world. She is the author of “A Marshmallow on the Bus,” “Prayer Beads on the Train,” “Waiting on a Platform,” “Turnstiles,” and. Home; Book; Authors; Services; Contact Type to search and hit enter Type to search books and hit enter. You may have become numb to your ambitions or never had the will to follow them in the first place. Ms. Perkins Jr. If you think ET blew your mind, then this will explode. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactBookrezz. Fighting online scams is a 24/7 job, and we couldn’t hope to do it without the help of our sophisticated ScamAdviser algorithm. She lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she enjoys gardening, baking, and spending time with family. Welcome to a world of sleazy nail-bars, bald-headed barbers, toxic beauty parlours, gyms where no-one unplugs their ears to talk to you. Her love for writing was actually realized when her mother used writing as a tool to refocus her dramatic moments in. One day you have shoulder pain. You are previewing: Rule of 3, How Elite Leaders Win. He has served as a pastor and missionary in a wide variety of settings. In 1672, Henry Morgan took 36 ships and 2,000 men to sack Panama City for a $1 billion plunder and 600 slaves. Brown. Sc. Morgan alone survived as a haunted man who hid away in drunken debauchery, and burned his log. A land of shabby suburbs, mixed with ancient forests, that dwell in the shadows of London. Madison is thirty years old. It is also the beginning of a monumental discovery. Welcomes you. Centered on Baghdad's Green Zone, Madsen takes us behind the scenes of a war effort with heartwarming and heartbreaking honesty. com Earlier today I got an email from someone from Bookrezz who says they saw my latest book and want to help me advertise it. which have been staged on numerous occasions in Galway City and throughout the West of Ireland. The result is that leaders will know. 02. She fears she must give up all hopes of an academic career. Bookrezz. Katia is Bella’s mom. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactEngland, 1947. He and his wife. in a Hong Kong brothel. 24. Ericcson Burrough BULL Control Data PR1ME A mayor Swiss financial Institution. His ability to use words to craft a stirring mental image, and take the reader to a different place or time, will cause an array of emotions to visit the surface. This is when she is three and a half years old and is at her sister Lynn’s birthday party. Dealing with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s: Love, Laughter & Tears is Sonia Discher’s heartbreaking but empowering story of caring for her husband, Steve. They live in a secluded wooded area in a log cabin which is hiding many high-tech secrets. The story relates how little Barbara came to be. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactClaudia Clark is an author, speaker, and activist focused on social justice and democracy. It explains where to use commas and how to use them, and in many cases even why to use them. At that time when it was not recognized what a gigantic transformation it will bring to the history of humanity. The Rookie CEO goes behind the scenes with 9 Rookie CEOs to gain insight into what behaviors drive excellent results and what behaviors cross the line driving poor execution and results. . Whether dreaming of decoding mysteries as a Forensic Scientist or nurturing the Earth's flora as a. HTML, CSS, JQUERY Design and build website. B. Welcomes you. He served in the U. Bill Hansmann is a retired dentist who practiced in Marietta, GA for over forty years. It’s what drives the current state of the workforce. His mother Sophie Gallois-Bonnal was the daughter of the French composer and organist Joseph-Ermend Bonnal. That joy blossomed into a zeal for creative writing that would not be contained. As a child he spent summers traveling with his father, a furniture mover, all over the country. They live with Madison’s father, Grant Jackson, a retired Texas Ranger. He spent time in state-run homes and remand centers, eventually leaving home and school at 12. Books Of M. Home; Book; Authors; Services; Contact Type to search and hit enter Type to search books and hit enter. Ellie Montford is sent to boarding school by her cold and distant parents, joining her best friend’s family on their farm for the holidays. Listen to music from the album embedded in the eBook. This book contains mature, adult (18+) content. Recently separated from his wife, all he can think about is what went wrong, and will Jenna ever come back to him. At last, Garen McTaggart’s lifelong dream of owning a castle is coming true, but not without certain. Set in the 1970s, the story follows a day in the life of Arthur Pickering. In fact, I am extremely happy working with all great people of Bookrezz . Learn the background on witches such as Marie Laveau, Hecate, Tituba, and Morgan le Fay. A wealthy acquaintance asks him to return to New York as a special police consultant in a case eerily resembling 'Phantom of the Opera". Ellie, now a young woman, joins her parents in Cagliari, where her father. L. Ray is a retired middle school Social Studies teacher, who came up with the idea of a history-mystery book during his very first year of teaching. Disgraced neurosurgeon Klaus Jancke believes this unused brain matter holds the key to supernatural powers. Russians are running billions of dollars through a secretive bank in Latvia to corrupt the West! Inspired by my true whistleblowing story. Do you want to be inspired? Do you want to change your perspective on your life? Carey Portell is a survivor and a thriver, but most importantly Carey is a mom, wife, neighbor, and friend. The book "WHAT WOULD THE FOUNDING FATHERS TELL US TODAY?" offers a reflection on American history, politics, democratic theories, and principles. Brown is retired and lives in Mesa, AZ. In the charming book "Science from A to Z," young readers embark on an exciting journey of discovery and imagination. 90. Bookrezz - marketing scam? Got an email today from Bookrezz, which looks like someone doing a very low rent impression of BookDoggy, Bargain Booksy etc. Get futuristic now. She was a. The Lifer and the Lawyer raises questions about childhood trauma, religion, race, the purpose of punishment, and a criminal justice system that. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactTasha Hutchison resides in Texas where she owns and operates Wordy Writer, LLC to help other authors with their writing journeys. He's troubled by a bothersome reporter trying to build a story from what he thinks is a normal day in his life. Welcomes you. His hands? They've got some kind of magic. Popular Categories. How do you eradicate terrorist cells inside Houston, Texas after it’s been infiltrated by the Russian Mafia? Retired C. Three youths explore the slot canyons where Kaytie Flame O'Hara faces one of the scariest and most dangerous adventures of all her 16 year. Hapless Edinburgh University student, Benji,. Submit your book for reviews today!Welcomes you. Everything appears to be on track—until Garen lies down for a nap in a lush little garden he discovers. After weeks of chasing Tabitha’s boat wake, he found her. Welcomes you. Part memoir, part passionate testimony, part self-help guide, in How to Be a Christian in Today’s World,. Robert Leet has been a structural engineer for over twenty years in Western Massachusetts. This book will help. She is the one doing all. Through fictional dialogues, it allows the Founding Fathers to express their views on what contributed to making America a model democracy, and what would ensure genuine freedom and. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. His love for basketball has been a platform for. With the death of Lucifer, Queen Lucinda assumes control of Hell, ordering her soldiers to prepare for a doomsday war with Heaven. Dr Peter Lipski is a practising Consultant Physician in Geriatric Medicine in Australia. Private Investigator Curt D’Accio was hired by wolf-shifter Russell Chandler to track his wayward half-sister down and convince her to return home. Welcomes you. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWhile on a top secret military mission, a Native American Civil War veteran finds himself battling a unit of Army traitors and a legendary monster. The roadmap at the end of the book. TELL, OR. Cody, a sensitive cellist, insists on helping her. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. Home; Book; Authors; Services; Contact Type to search and hit enter Type to search books and hit enter. He must complete the renovations on time and marry the owner's granddaughter, Leeza Cantrell, or all will be lost. Although the workers are termed 'remittance fighters,' they are. S. Are you truly happy with how you spend your only. Welcomes you. I live in a left-behind Essex. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. ‘The Keelman’s Fortnight – (Volume One)’ is his first novel. After leaving Georgia and moving to Florida, he earned his Florida dental license (which many of his friends said an old guy like him. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactBrohdny Ricketts, attained his Master of Social Work at University of Southern California in 2019. From AI Researchers to Zoologists, this delightful exploration introduces them to a colorful world of science careers using the alphabet. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactThis book is a must read for any adult who has experienced trauma and is willing/wanting to work through it. After serving a tour in Iraq 2006-2007, Brohdny was an active-duty soldier until he medically retired from the. She blogs on The Backpack Press and Tumbleweed Pilgrim and her writing focuses on family and life in a big city after growing up in a small one. He's the ultimate eye-candy playing my fake fiancé to shield his empire. Much gratitude to my brilliant co-author William Burton McCormick. Ronald Fahrenholz II was born in Dayton, Ohio. His books are not about dysfunctional people, and. His first novel, EVEN THE DARKNESS, Thomas Nelson, 1994 earned him. Welcomes you. For individuals who desire to learn how to play Tango music, this book serves as a learning manual. The body and mind are vehicles for use in our exploration and growth, and we have the opportunity to master these vehicles. When fellow investigator Brennan Noble ties those two events together he joins forces with. Ellis has lived a remarkable life, to say the least, and now has many life experiences to draw from. Mayer (1986-Present) was born in Dallas, Texas and grew up in the suburbs of Kansas City, Kansas. Welcomes you. $ 6. $ 5. Prof. Arthurs strong dislike of motorist’s bad manners and yobs is tempered by the love of his job as he continues his crusade against modern society. Danger soon arrives. A former television Producer and on-camera talent for KFCB Family Christian Broadcasting Network in the Northern California, we took a real lifestyle change to adjust more with being the parents of small children Karen, then 8, and Jaina, then 11. Thyme has been a psychic and spiritual counselor for the last 55 years. When the pandemic shut the country down, I was working on some home projects, fell and injured my shoulder. Welcomes you. 76. 17 Books Drama. At the time it was a small farm town, although it has grown into a city. Her name is EcoQueen. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWith over four years of cruising down the Americas and across the Pacific Ocean under her paws since she left home, Chowder presumes she is capable of handling anything. We will list your book for one week on BookRezz's home page. The world as we know it is built upon choices. KIM is a kelpie agent from the realm of Elysia tasked to locate a human-fae hybrid with enough latent fae magic in their blood to restore the kelpies to their natural form – an ability snatched away by a vengeful dark fae witch. She forges a bond with her friend’s brother, Simon, who promises to marry her – but childhood promises may not last… Sardinia, 1961. Having experienced poor. These harsh punishments are wearing down on the judge's mind as he wishes there was another way to give these condemned. Flip to Back Look Inside. He married his wife, Lori, and they moved to Southern California a few decades ago. The secret they discover in the mound puts their lives at risk. John is a retired Presbyterian minister and mental health counselor. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. He also writes short stories and novellas; some of which he offers for sale via digital download. Paul Russo’s wife just died. ” Mary Heyward Munn is always encouraging others to move forward, not settle,. This enables us to give you a simple and easy to understand ‘Trust Score. Welcomes you. The series “The Secret of. The Liberation Trilogy. Born in Versailles France in 1948, Yann got involved in theater and music at a very young age. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. Can the billionaire win her trust, and rescue her? While studying abroad, I was drugged, kidnapped, and imprisoned . Although not a memoir, it was inspired by his memories, flashbacks, triggers, and struggles to. Millions of lives and hundreds of. Home; Book; Authors; Services; ContactWelcomes you. It is not a solo guitar arrangement book. N. He wrote a weekly column for a local newspaper in the Pittsburgh area before becoming a novelist and screenwriter. The Family Stone is set in.